i've to let it go... itulah jalan terbaik

Tangis itu terdengar begitu miris, mengganggu jiwa yang gagu, bagi rasa yang tadinya terkebiri sekonyong-konyong melepas rasa tanpa peduli. kau butuhkanku disaat tepatmu... namun aku menghilang begitu saja, dalam pesan singkatku untuk meninggalkan sosokmu seorang diri, dalam kesedihanmu... aku tak ada.

Dear you,

Thank for everything that you've done to me. it was really mean something for me. Honestly… yesterday i was weak, when you leave me in all pains and there's no one beside me, i was lost and didn't know what to do. i tried to handle and make sure everything will be ok, but very hard to walk alone, and i have no idea how to set all free, it's hard. When you let me stay in hurts, and leave me in tears.

... my sweet heart, gone just like the wind, let me stay in hurts. it was hurts, indeed. Did you think that I’ am ok? You’re totally wrong darling. I cried in broken heart, no one can listen and no one can understand. You let me stay by myself when I’ am not ready to be alone. You’ve teach me how to face out solitude. You make me weak at that time, but thanks for now, by now, I have to change my pattern of my mind and fix all pains, and start it all from begining. The way you hurt me makes me stronger than before.

Thanks to you


Kutuliskan pesan ini untukmu melalui emailmu dan kini akupun melangkah pergi meninggalkanmu…. Dan kembali kudengar bahwa tangis itu adalah penyesalanmu, waktunya telah usai… Aku tidak ada untukmu lagi…

2 komentar:

CmonQ mengatakan...

Bro...I can't say anything....but it so damn true.....hix...hix...Im in that position.. good words to present it.... Damned....

Unknown mengatakan...


abdi teh bade coment tp teu ngartos sim kuring, kumaha??? tiasa di translate ka bahasa jerman?? hihihi