it'll be the best moment for you in your holiday, where every single thing has been set properly. about what will you do there... sun bathing for your tanning skin, snorkling, shopping and make a tattoo, untill getting someone new in Bali (ooouuuuuppps sorry...). but the most enviest thing that you've done to me is that great picture, what a nice pictures
The man who makes me envy and the sun for his tanning skin (are you sure? being dark man? will you? ouuwwwwwccch!)
Yes he did, just take a look at that black colour, do you think the black one is his skin? i don't think so... you lie to me bro... and you lie to public
yup, i think enough for me for describe your holiday activities, you can close this year with great vacation, but i promise to open next year with no defeated vacation, just wait and see. whahahaha.... have a great vacation for us.
2 komentar:
go international lah dit he..he.. amien
ya..ya..ya.. aku sangat sennag dgn liburan sabahat tercinta ku ini.. hanya saja,, mana..tak nampak bahwa dia benar2 mengitamkan kulit seperti yang dia gembar gembor kan... mana hasil lotion yg mahal dan untuk menghitamkan kulit hingga keling?? aduhhhhhhh..... lebay deh... buktikanlah,,,buktikanlah,,, hihihihihih
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